Spanish-to-English subtitles and template creation for Netflix:
The Snow Girl 2: The Soul Game (Season 2, 2025)
The Last Night at Tremore Beach (Season 1, 2024)
Berlin (Season 1, 2024)
You Are Not Alone: Fighting the Wolf Pack (2024)
Valeria (Season 2 and 3, 2021-2023)
The Snow Girl (Season 1, 2023)
MH370: The Plane that Disappeared (2023)
The Patients of Dr. García (2023)
The Girls at the Back (2022)
The Last Dolphin King (2022)
Fanático (2022)
The Time it Takes (2021)
Money Heist (Part 5, 2021)
Magic for Humans by Mago Pop (2021)
Crazy about her (2021)
Coven of Sisters (2020)
And more…
Spanish-to-English subtitles of Victorinos and Historias de la Virgen Morena, soap operas produced by Telemundo
English voiceover of Eurocities Awards, video for ConTilde
English subtitles of Where to Begin – Teaching Students with Vision Loss and Blindness video for Panda
English subtitles of Tips for Teaching Adult Students with Vision Loss and Blindness video for Panda

Published Translations
Transcreation for ISMAX toilet paper. “For this roll, I should get an Oscar.”
“The Fragile Art of Existing,” travel article published by Salt Water Magazine
“Adrift in the Atlantic,” travel article published by Wavelength Magazine
“Me acuerdo…,” book of short stories published by the City of Oviedo
“El Pentágono del Arte” / “The Art Pentagon,” magazine published by the Principality of Asturias
“Muestra de artes plásticas,” book published by the Principality of Asturias
Travel and Tourism
“Experience Easter in Mexico: Traditions and celebrations you won’t want to miss,” Pin and Travel
”Top 10 Punta Cana activities for your trip to the Dominican Republic,” Pin and Travel
”Discover more about car rental near Disney World,” Getaround Car Rental
Bylined Articles
“Not Yet Ready For International Travel? Escape Through Your TV With Foreign-Language Content,” published by Ponbee (2021)
“Top six reasons you should caption your social media video content,” published by Search Engine Watch (2020)
“Translators and Interpreters Respond to COVID-19,” published by MultiLingual Insights (2020)
“5 Website Features that may be Working Against You,” published by AZ Big Media (2019)
Industry Publications
“6 Reasons to Subtitle Your Social Media Videos for Better Engagement),” published by The ATA Compass (2025)
“Your Four-Step Guide to Meeting the USCIS Certified Translation Requirements,” published by The ATA Compass (2023)
“Using Asana to Track Your Marketing Efforts with Ease,” article for The ATA Chronicle
“From text translator to film subtitler in just a few months,” article for The Savvy Newcomer blog
Regular contributor to The Savvy Newcomer blog
Regular contributor to The Chronicle magazine
“My Accidental Transition from Interpreting to Translating,” article for the American Translators Association Interpreters Division
“A Step-by-Step Guide to Making a School Outreach Presentation,” webinar for the American Translators Association

“2024 Annual Conference Highlights,” promotional video for the American Translators Association
“How ATA’s Socially Distanced School Outreach Works,” podcast participant for the American Translators Association
“Careers in Translation and Interpreting,” webinar for the American Translators Association
“Interpreters and Translators Making a Difference,” promotional video for the American Translators Association
“Benefits of ATA Membership,” promotional video for the American Translators Association
“California, Minnesota and Maine,” podcast participant for Taylor School
“International Translation Day,” podcast participant for the American Translators Association
“School Outreach Program,” promotional video for the American Translators Association
“2018 Annual Conference Highlights,” promotional video for the American Translators Association
“2016 Annual Conference Highlights,” promotional video for the American Translators Association